What to Expect

What to Expect

A massage at Knot Magic is a distinctive experience. Our goal-oriented approach is all about what needs to happen so that you feel better long-term.
Our sessions consist of an initial evaluation, followed by hands-on bodywork. We will talk about what is going on in your body and assess to find the root cause. Then, we will work together to help you to leave feeling pain-free, and stay that way!

All first appointments will require a follow-up appointment to reinforce the work done in the initial session. Muscles have memory, so this follow-up session is to catch any and all attempts of muscles going back to the old positioning that caused pain. Seldom will a third appointment be needed.

What should I wear?
We can work with any clothing, but clothing that allows you to move and stretch is easiest for us. You are welcome to stay clothed the entire time, otherwise after we work on a few things we will leave you to get undressed to your comfort level and under the covers the entire time. Your modesty will be protected. If you are 18 years or younger, we require you to stay clothed for the entire session.

When should I arrive?
Please arrive at least 10 minutes early if this is your first time. Otherwise, arriving 5 minutes early is perfect.

Are there any add-on services that make my session even more effective?
We do offer CBD lotion and our Nano-Vi machine.

Are your services covered by my health insurance?
We do not accept insurance or work with attorneys from car accidents or workers’ compensation.

Can I use my Health Savings Plan or Flexible Spending Account?

“What they have done for my back in less than 1 week is AMAZING!!! I can get out of bed pain-free for the first time in years! Thank you Knot Magic!!!”

Jessie Boyer

Knot Magic Muscle Therapy - Rams
Knot Magic Muscle Therapy - British Olympics
Knot Magic Muscle Therapy - LPGA

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