[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Mission” heading_tag=”h3″][/ultimate_heading]

Our mission is to return clients to a balanced body effectively and efficiently, resulting in a pain-free life. A change is tangible at Knot Magic.

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Vision” heading_tag=”h3″][/ultimate_heading]

Our vision is to simultaneously revolutionize and redefine the world’s perception of what muscle therapy can accomplish.

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Core Values” heading_tag=”h3″][/ultimate_heading]

Education ▪ Compassion ▪ Persistence ▪ Problem-Solving ▪ Presence

“I’d fallen on some ice and thought I’d broken my arm. The doctor said I was fine and suggested physical therapy for what had become a frozen shoulder. That helped some, but I still had very limited movement and hurt all the time. That first hour with Paige turned into a lifesaver! She got all the ribs, collar bone, and miscellaneous other body parts back into their appropriate positions and loosened up the muscles – I stopped hurting immediately and had almost my full range of motion back. Since then, she’s kept me in better working order than I’ve been in years…I wouldn’t quit for anything!”

Kathy Roth

Knot Magic Muscle Therapy - Rams
Knot Magic Muscle Therapy - British Olympics
Knot Magic Muscle Therapy - LPGA

Schedule an Appointment Today!
